It’s 2030, imagine if…

“2,030 urban farms by 2030”: that was Pocket City Farm’s (PCF) ambitious vision back in 2023. They tested and proved a replicable model for community-led urban greening that saw a year on year increase in biodiverse, edible verges, parks and farms across Australia during the ‘20s. The PCF ‘Grow, Don’t Mow’ message and accompanying toolkit, empowered communities to take over vacant urban land, ensuring an accessible supply of fresh, nutritious green and fruiting crops to local households. Their example influenced the NSW Government’s Local Food policy (2027) which mandated a 30% local food target for 2030, tied to carbon drawdown, biodiversity, reducing urban heat islands and local food security targets. The PCF Farm Incubator program sparked career pathways for urban farmers, ultimately turning into the renowned Regenerative Urban Agriculture Academy.

Summary of solution

Pocket City Farms exists to empower Australians to improve our urban environments and take action on climate change. They do this by working with communities, schools and businesses to set up and maintain urban farms, food forests and food gardens which increase urban greening, biodiversity and food security in our cities. Pocket City Farms' regenerative urban agriculture model envisages a world where all people are connected to fair food and regenerated urban environments.

Their aspiration is to see initiatives like theirs replicated and scaled across Australia’s urban spaces so that we can increase urban greening, biodiversity and food security in our cities and create regenerated urban communities. They are exploring business cases to replicate and scale soil based, regenerative urban farms that have a financially sustainable and scalable business model. The solution will adopt a social enterprise model in that it will be able to be financially sustainable, and be able to scale and be replicated through a suitable mechanism (for example, community wealth building or franchise model etc.).

Why is this solution innovative

Pocket City Farms have built a unique set of intellectual, social and relationship capital alongside an established set of processes, procedures and systems to create thriving regenerative urban agriculture. They are now looking to “package” and identify replicable business models (such as community wealth building) so that other communities passionate about taking action don’t need to start from scratch - instead they can pick up, own, replicate and adapt their model across Australia.

Such community food projects can have far-reaching impacts throughout the community.